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Sunday, June 19, 2011

American Heart Association New CPR Guidelines

These new guidelines that came out January 1st, 2011 are now officially being taught to the public and healthcare workers alike, please look at the changes and as always take a CPR class - you can find a very affordable class no matter where you live. It is always better to be in the "know" should something happen. Our nation's average 911 response time for Fire and Rescue is 15-20 minutes...these skills will help you in those first few minutes where you could save a life of your friend or loved one.

American Heart Association (AHA) CPR changes

New Guideline: No look, listen, and feel for breathing.
Old Guideline: "Look, listen and feel" for breathing before administering rescue breaths and chest compressions.

Rational for Change: Minimize the delay in providing chest compressions.

Begin CPR by providing 30 chest compressions, then open the airway and give two breaths. If you suspect possible drowning, begin with CPR with rescue breaths before chest compressions.
Give two rescue breaths prior to giving 30 chest compressions.
Existing oxygen in the lungs and in the circulatory system is sufficient to provide the immediate benefits provided by chest compressions.

New Guideline: Compress adult chest to a depth of at least five centimetres/two inches.
Old Guideline: Compression depth of 4-5 centimetres/1.5-2 inches for adults.
Emphasis is on providing good quality chest compressions with sufficient depth to provide adequate circulation.

Rational for Change: Compression depth for children and infants is one third the diameter of the chest. This corresponds to approximately five centimetres/two inches for children and 4 centimetres/1.5 inches for infants.
Administer chest compressions at one third to one half of the diameter of the chest for child and infant CPR.
Emphasis is on providing quality compressions of an adequate depth.

New Guideline: Give compressions at a rate of at least 100 per minute.
Old Guideline: Give compression at a rate of approximately 100 per minute.
Emphasis is on good quality chest compressions at a rate to provide adequate circulation.

Rational for Change: To minimize interruptions in chest compressions, if there is more than one rescuer present, continue CPR while the AED is switched on and the pads are being placed on the patient.
No reference to continuing chest compressions while preparing the AED.
Emphasis is on reducing the number and duration of pauses during chest compressions.

New Guideline: For infants (less than one year of age) use of an AED with pediatric dose attenuation (reducer) is recommended. An AED without a dose attenuator may be used if a pediatric one is not available.
Old Guideline: AED use for infants (less than one year of age) was not recommended.

Rational for Change: Use of AED on infants has shown to be effective.

New Guideline: Reduced emphasis on barriers when providing CPR. Although still recommended, treatment should not be delayed if barriers are not available.
Old Guideline: Emphasized use of barriers.

Rational for Change: Research has shown that chance of disease transmission is very rare when providing CPR.

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